Anatomy Trains and ATSI
In the images above, each colored line (an Anatomy Train) represents a continuous fascial plane. These fascial planes contain and connect our muscular system. Notice how most of them span the whole body from head to toe. A pull on one end of the line will effect the whole line as far away as the opposite end of it and effect all the other lines.
These lines (fascial planes) will influence posture and movement. For example, if they are pulled short they will inhibit movement. If they are stretch too long, they will allow too much movement. In both cases, a particular posture will be held to accommodate. The ATSI series aims to balance and integrate these lines for efficient posture and movement.
The Anatomy Trains myofascial meridians
The Anatomy Trains offer an integrated view of anatomy and is based on the work of Tom Myers - author, educator, and anatomist.
Contrary to the classical method of looking at muscles acting in isolation in the (dead) body, the Anatomy Trains considers the reality of how that same tissue works in a living, moving body, recognizing definite north/south connections from head to toe which are called "meridians".
The Anatomy Trains view is a simple yet profound way of looking at the body, because the meridians - or lines as they are commonly referred to - map out how strain, force, stability and instability can be transmitted in the body. This offers useful therapeutic implications and insights into how to work with posture, movement, and pain patterns. It sheds light on the nature of how stability and mobility interplay with each other to create systemic balance and integrity in the human body.
Anatomy trains structural integration (atsi)
ATSI is the form of Structural Integration that is practiced at BODY IN FOCUS and uses the Anatomy Trains as its framework. Over the course of the series, all the Anatomy Trains lines are systematically addressed to enhance the evenness of tone between them - normalizing tilts, shifts, rotations and bends in the body as well as restoring ease to movement and posture.